18 Mai
Recommended on Holiday Check 2024

We’ve been recommended, again this year as one of the best accomodations worldwide on Holiday Check 2024

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02 Mai
AtlantisBeach Happy Greek Easter 2024
Frohe Ostern

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25 Apr
Apollo Bronze 2023
Apollo award 2023

Atlatis Beach Resort ensures a superb hotel experinece by offering guests great service and a high quality holiday. Our Apollo ...

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23 Mrz
tui-Blue_Quality-ok (1)
TUI award 2024

TUI honored our hotel for 2024 with a Quality Hotel award. The TUI Global Hotel Awards recognize hotels worldwide that are part...

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23 Mrz
Übernachtungstaxe für 5* Hotels

Nach den griechischen Rechtsvorschriften über die Übernachtungssteuer gilt ab dem 01.01.2024 folgendes Übernachtungstaxe für 5*...

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20 Jan
Zoover award 2023

Zoover honored our hotel for 2023 with a Gold award. The Zoover competition awards are granted annually to recognize the best a...

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10 Nov
Ende der Saison 2023
Ende der Saison 2023

🌟 Ende der Saison, Dankbarkeit ohne Ende 🌟 Während sich die Blätter verfärben und die Temperaturen sinken, bereiten wir uns dar...

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06 Okt
World Tourism Day 2023

This year, on World Tourism Day, the Rethymno municipality and the Hoteliers Association are honoring those of you who have mad...

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25 Jun
Green key award 2023

Οnce again this year, our hotel has been awarded with the Green key. Green Key is an eco-label for tourism and leisure establis...

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25 Apr
Green key award 2022

Our hotel has been awarded once again with the Green key. Green Key is an eco-label for tourism and leisure establishments and ...

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