Recommended on Holiday Check 2024

We’ve been recommended, again this year as one of the best accomodations worldwide on Holiday Check 2024

Frohe Ostern

TUI award 2024

TUI honored our hotel for 2024 with a Quality Hotel award. The TUI Global Hotel Awards recognize hotels worldwide that are part of the TUI Programme, based on customer feedback and satisfaction scores. Winning hotels are celebrated for their exceptional […]

Übernachtungstaxe für 5* Hotels

Nach den griechischen Rechtsvorschriften über die Übernachtungssteuer gilt ab dem 01.01.2024 folgendes Übernachtungstaxe für 5* Hotels 01.11 – 28.02: 4,00 Euro pro Zimmer 01.03 – 31.10: 10,00 Euro pro Zimmer

Zoover award 2023

Zoover honored our hotel for 2023 with a Gold award. The Zoover competition awards are granted annually to recognize the best accommodations. Zoover is the largest independent holiday review website in Europe, with reviews and opinions on accommodation and tourist […]

Ende der Saison 2023

🌟 Ende der Saison, Dankbarkeit ohne Ende 🌟 Während sich die Blätter verfärben und die Temperaturen sinken, bereiten wir uns darauf vor, unsere Türen für diese Saison zu schließen. Es war eine unglaubliche Reise voller wunderbarer Erinnerungen, wertvoller Momente und […]

World Tourism Day 2023

This year, on World Tourism Day, the Rethymno municipality and the Hoteliers Association are honoring those of you who have made Rethymno their home away from home. Special events spanned two days, ending with a traditional award ceremony at the […]

Green key award 2023

Οnce again this year, our hotel has been awarded with the Green key. Green Key is an eco-label for tourism and leisure establishments and is awarded to establishments that fulfil a list of environmental requirements. Obtaining Green Key demonstrates the […]

Urlaubsscheckprämie 2023

Für ein weiteres Jahr, danke!

APOLLO award 2022

Thanks for recognizing our effort to provide you with better services!